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Flexible payment options and fast transactions can bump up business when you use the right mobile card reader!

Mobile Readers

An easy an agile way to make payments.

If you want your business to succeed, you’ll need to offer your customers the most reliable and handy payment options available.

Mobile Readers-Swipe Card

Swipe Card

This industry standard version of payment processing will bring customers a sense of familiarity within a faster transaction method.

Chip Card

EMV chip card technology will add an extra layer of security to the transaction and payment process.

Mobile Readers-Contactless Payments

Contactless Payments

The fastest payment method out there, on the fastest hardware available.

What is a mobile reader?

A mobile card reader is a type of credit card payment terminal. More specifically, it’s a small hardware device. This device is then connected to a smartphone or even a small tablet, where it is installed and set up to accept credit card payments on behalf of the merchant. This small piece of hardware essentially converts the mobile device into a mobile point of sale.

What are the advantages of a mobile reader?

Having a mobile card reader set up to accept card payments has a plethora of advantages. Mobile readers are quick and convenient, and can help speed up the transaction process. Therefore, wait times and customer lines will drop, leading to happier customers who will be more encouraged to stay loyal to your business. Also, mobile readers offer the flexibility of accepting payments from anywhere on-the-go. Small businesses, restaurants, and freelancers can all greatly benefit from using mobile readers.

Work with Bank of Merchant

Our team at Bank of Merchant can help set up a mobile reader for you! As an added bonus, we provide designated care specialists to help you with whatever you need.

Contact us at Bank of Merchant today to start setting up a mobile card reader!

Give customers more options with a mobile reader.
